~ International Award-Winning Photography ~

Thursday, March 22, 2007

My Little Camera.....

This is cute.......a friend of mine actually made this camera for me out of scrap pieces of metal and screws. It must have taken alot of patience. It's so cute.......I love my camera! (I recently heard some great news, and I'm happy for him)He even put "Impulse" into the tripod ! Now that's a big honk'n lense. Looks exactly like my Canon. I'll be using this little guy for back-up this year :o)


Monday, March 19, 2007

Jesus Painting

Okay everyone.......you have to see this video......this is just incredible.
(Make sure you watch the whole thing)

Click Here

Enjoy !


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Angelic Amelia

Today I was booked to photograph Amelia!......sister of Giulia, who had her time in the spotlight last year. They are both dolls. I photographed Alisa & Gerry's wedding many years ago, then, their first little girl, and now their 2nd. It's so awesome to see the family growing and be a part of it. Here's Amelia giving the old salute !
Her sister Giulia just wanted to sit back and be cool.......

What a lady.....she even politely crossed her legs for the photo

Lunch time wasn't for a while yet....so Amelia decided to go for a snack

I love the way Alisa reacts to her little girls crying......she just laughs it off !


I am Re-energized !!

I confess…………I have not been that diligent in posting lately. I’ve been quite busy working on designing many art book albums from last season’s weddings, and I have also been doing a lot of traveling.

Besides the WPPI and Imaging USA in San Antonio, I have also taken some time out to re-energize my body. I went on a 10-day cleansing and fasting retreat out in Alberta. It was amazing! I felt fantastic after 10 days! My energy is pumped up like it has never been, and I am ready and eager to get into this season’s weddings! I have also been researching many new ideas to offer my clients this year. It’s clean, fresh and fun! Can’t wait!
Here are some photos taken during my fasting out in Alberta. After a while of being there, I was getting the itch, so I just had to grab my camera and go out there and shoot! The air was fresh! Cold……..but fresh! I met many great people who were in my group. I miss you guys!!

Here's an old church.........now abandoned.I was litteraly in the middle of nowhere........I LOVED IT !!

Okay....this was by far the worst part of the cleanse. If any of you have ever tried taking a shot of wheatgrass.....you know what I mean. That stuff is just horrifically nasty! (Does the body a tremendous amount of good though :o)
We had many other cleanse drinks as well.....not nearly as bad as the Wheatgrass though. And I needed Jesus ever so much to get me through them!A few us us took a drive out to Vegreville. And on the way back........we saw........

THIS !! Ohhhhhhhh......the temptation. After several days without food, a burger looked mighty fine!
