On Halloween day I had the special privilege of photographing my super sweet photographer friends Tiffany & Alex from
Life Images with their most adorable little boys, Jomei and Tayus (aka "Tay Tay"). Can I tell you how cute they are? Just take a look at them in these photos! We ended up shooting the entire day!......until the sun came down (which resulted in some pretty dramatic images which you'll see below). The boys' various and ever so cute expressions were so much fun to capture. Take a look at what we got......Enjoy!

The adorable Jomei enjoying his lollipop!

Little Tay-Tay!

Both Tiffany & Alex were so easy going in front of the camera.....being awesome photographers themselves, they know how to work it.......love Tiff's natural laugh in this one!

The boys strolling down the alley
Tiff & Alex...It was so much fun spending the day with you all. I had such a blast photographing your family....you are truly blessed with the most adorable little boys.
Love you guys!
(and big squishes for the boys) :o)
Silvana ~